Movie Review: Death Note (DVD)

Of all the locations in the world, I have always enjoyed movies from Asia the most.  If you are willing to look there are great foreing films from every part of the world, but Japan, South Korea and China have some of my favorites.  Something about over the top gore from a film like Ichi…

Christian Bale is a big meanie!

  So for anyone who just saw the header of this post and clicked on it hoping for a some sort of rant on what an awful person Christian Bale is, sorry to disappoint.  For those that don’t know (where have you been?) Christian Bale has had a clip of him yelling at a lighting…

Season 3 of Dexter ends, what happens now?

So as of this past Sunday, Dexter season 3 has ended.  Overall I have to say it was a great season, right on par with season 2.  Dexter had an arch nemesis in each of the last 2 season and that made the show all the more interesting.  Seeing as Dexter is a serial killer…

Movie Reveiw: The Fall (Blu-Ray)

After watching this movie all I could think about was how I missed it for over 2 years. Why did it fly under every one’s radar until recently? Thanks to Wikipedia I was able to find out the answer rather quickly. The movie debuted at the Toronto Film festival in 2006. I assume in between…

Movie Review: Step Brothers (Blu-Ray)

Will Ferrell has become a somewhat polarizing figure within comedy.  Some people love everything the man does while others just find him loud and obnoxious.  I think you can put my in between those two groups.  Will Ferrell is loud, obnoxious and goofy.  If you can put good timing behind those skills, along with a…

Dexter, season 3, has been bloody good

Since my blog is less than a week old, and only like 3 people have visited, I haven’t had a chance to talk about what is probably my favorite show on TV right now (since True Blood ended), Dexter.  This season, much like season 2, has gotten better and better each week.  New people who…

Movie Review: Prince Caspian (Blu-Ray)

The last time we were graced with a Narnia film I was looking forward to seeing it, but I can’t say that I was excited to see it.  I read the books as a kid, remembered that I enjoyed them and I figured it would make for a enjoyable movie.  Much to my surprise I…